Siegfried Sassoon Quotes

A collection of quotes by Siegfried Sassoon.

Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967) was a British poet, author, and soldier, renowned for his powerful anti-war poems and memoirs that reflected the horrors and personal experiences of World War I. Born on September 8, 1886, in Kent, England, Sassoon was the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman.

During World War I, Sassoon served as an officer in the British Army and saw extensive action on the Western Front. However, as the war progressed and the realities of the conflict became apparent to him, he grew disillusioned with its purpose and the devastating loss of life. This disillusionment inspired him to write passionate anti-war poems that condemned the futility and brutality of war.

In 1917, Sassoon famously wrote a statement called the "Soldier's Declaration," in which he declared his refusal to continue fighting in the war. This act of protest against the war gained him attention and solidified his reputation as a war critic.

After the war, Sassoon continued to write poetry and memoirs, delving into themes of war, the human condition, and his personal experiences. Some of his notable works include "The Old Huntsman" (1917), "Counter-Attack" (1918), and "Memoirs of an Infantry Officer" (1930). His writings garnered critical acclaim, and he became one of the most prominent and influential poets of his time.

Siegfried Sassoon passed away on September 1, 1967, leaving behind a legacy as a war poet who fearlessly confronted the harsh realities of war, inspiring generations with his poignant and poignant verses.