Thales of Miletos Quotes

A collection of quotes by Thales of Miletos.

Thales of Miletos was a renowned ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer who lived during the 6th century BCE. Born in Miletos, an ancient city in Ionia (now modern-day Turkey), Thales is often considered one of the Seven Sages of Greece and is recognized as one of the earliest philosophers in history.

Although not much is known about his personal life, Thales is remembered for his significant contributions to various fields of knowledge. He excelled in mathematics and is often credited as one of the founders of geometry, having made important geometric theorems and methods of measurement. Thales also dabbled in astronomy and was able to accurately predict a solar eclipse.

Thales was a profound thinker who sought to explain natural phenomena without resorting to mythological or divine explanations. He believed in the underlying unity of the world and postulated that everything originated from a single fundamental substance. Thales considered water as this primal element from which all things arise, an idea that influenced future philosophers and scientists.

Regarded as an influential figure not only in Greek philosophy but also in scientific inquiry, Thales paved the way for the development of rational thought, critical thinking, and empirical investigation. His ideas laid the foundation for subsequent advances and shifted the focus of intellectual pursuits from mythology to a more logical and systematic approach.