Thylias Moss Quotes

A collection of quotes by Thylias Moss.

Thylias Moss is an acclaimed American poet, essayist, and multimedia artist known for her powerful and innovative work. She was born on February 27, 1954, in Cleveland, Ohio. Moss earned her Bachelor's degree in English from Oberlin College and later pursued a Master's degree in English from the University of New Hampshire.

Moss's poetry is characterized by her inventive use of language, merging colloquial speech, and formal diction to explore themes of race, love, identity, and the complex dynamics of human relationships. Her works often reflect her experiences as an African American woman living in contemporary America. Moss has published several poetry collections, including "Hosiery Seams on a Bowlegged Woman" (1983), "Last Chance for the Tarzan Holler" (1998), and "Wannabe Hoochie Mama Gallery of Realities' Red Dress Code" (2016), which received critical acclaim and numerous literary awards.

Alongside her accomplished career as a poet, Moss has also ventured into various artistic endeavors. She has worked in collaboration with other artists, exploring multimedia forms that combine poetry with music, visual arts, dance, and film. Her creativity extends to writing essays and delivering lectures on various topics, including African American literature, feminism, and creativity.

Throughout her career, Thylias Moss has received numerous accolades and honors for her groundbreaking contributions to literature and the arts. Her distinctive voice and unique artistic vision continue to captivate and inspire readers and artists alike.