W. N. Ewer Quotes

A collection of quotes by W. N. Ewer.

W. N. Ewer, whose full name is William Norman Ewer, was a British poet, journalist, and broadcaster. Born on March 4, 1885, in Australia, Ewer later moved to England. He is best known for his poetic works, which often encompassed social and political issues of the time.

Ewer began his career as a journalist, working for various British newspapers and magazines, including The Morning Post and The Daily Herald. During World War I, he served in the British Army and worked as a correspondent in France. His war experiences greatly influenced his poetry, which often conveyed the horrors and futility of war.

Aside from his journalism and poetry, Ewer also had a successful career as a radio broadcaster. He worked for the BBC, where he presented programs that discussed current affairs and literature. Ewer's deep and resonant voice made him a distinctive and popular broadcaster.

Throughout his life, Ewer remained committed to left-wing politics and was an active member of the Fabian Society. His poetry reflected his socialist beliefs and frequently critiqued societal inequality and injustice.

W. N. Ewer passed away on September 26, 1977, leaving behind a body of work that continues to be recognized for its social insight, thought-provoking themes, and poetic craftsmanship.