Jack Kevorkian Quotes

A collection of quotes by Jack Kevorkian.

Jack Kevorkian, also known as "Dr. Death," was an American pathologist and euthanasia advocate. Born on May 26, 1928, in Pontiac, Michigan, he gained renown for his controversial stance on assisted suicide. Kevorkian graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in 1952 and subsequently completed his residency training and specialized in pathology. He dedicated his career to researching and studying death-related issues.

Despite his medical expertise, Kevorkian became widely known for his unconventional views on euthanasia. He believed that terminally ill patients had the right to end their own lives and pioneered the use of euthanasia machines. In the 1990s, Kevorkian attracted significant media attention and legal controversies for assisting over 130 patients in their suicides. He openly challenged regulations prohibiting euthanasia, leading to his frequent arrests and trials throughout his career.

Kevorkian's activities and advocacy efforts ignited a nationwide debate on assisted suicide, ethical considerations, and end-of-life care. While he faced multiple legal battles, he also became a catalyst for legislative discussions on euthanasia, prompting states to reevaluate their stance on the matter. Ultimately, his controversial actions led to his conviction for second-degree murder in 1999.

Jack Kevorkian passed away on June 3, 2011, at the age of 83. His legacy continues to provoke discussions on the legal and ethical boundaries of euthanasia, providing valuable perspectives on the right to die and the importance of compassionate end-of-life care.