Nora Ephron Quotes

A collection of quotes by Nora Ephron.

Nora Ephron (1941-2012) was an American filmmaker, writer, and journalist. Born in New York City, Ephron attended Wellesley College and later pursued a career in journalism, working for publications like Newsweek and The New York Post. She gained recognition for her humorous and insightful writings on everyday topics, often drawing inspiration from her own life experiences.

Ephron's talent for capturing the complexities of human relationships led her to become a highly accomplished screenwriter and director. Her most notable films include "When Harry Met Sally..." (1989), "Sleepless in Seattle" (1993), and "You've Got Mail" (1998), all of which became immensely popular romantic comedies. Known for her sharp wit and distinctive voice, Ephron infused her films with humor, romance, and relatable characters, carving out a unique place for herself in the industry.

Beyond her success in the film world, Ephron authored several best-selling books, including "Heartburn" (1986), a semi-autobiographical novel inspired by her own real-life marriage. She continued to write essays and memoirs, showcasing her knack for blending humor with astute observations about modern life.

Nora Ephron left a lasting legacy as a talented and influential figure in both Hollywood and the literary world. Through her films and writings, she entertained and resonated with audiences, leaving behind a body of work that continues to be celebrated for its brilliance and wit.