Quote by William Shakespeare
Here comes Monseiur Le Beau.Rosalind: With his mouth full of news.Celia: Which he will put on us, as pigeons feed their young.Rosalind: Then shall we be news-crammed.Celia: All the better; we shall be the more marketable.

The quote depicts a playful dialogue between Rosalind and Celia in Shakespeare's play, As You Like It. They are anticipating the arrival of Monsieur Le Beau, whom they know to be bringer of news. The metaphor of pigeons feeding their young implies that Le Beau will overwhelm them with information. Rosalind suggests they will be "news-crammed," to which Celia humorously responds that it's beneficial as they'll be more sought after or desirable in society if they have more information to share. The exchange highlights their comedic outlook on social status and the importance placed on being informed.