Quote by Philip Pullman, answering What d
I don't believe in it. All writing is difficult. The most you can hope for is a day when it goes reasonably easily. Plumbers don't get plumber's block, and doctors don't get doctor's block; why should writers be the only profession that gives a special name to the difficulty of working, and then expects sympathy for it?http://www.philip-pullman.com/about_the_writing.asp

In this quote, author Philip Pullman challenges the notion of "writer's block" by expressing his disbelief in its existence. He highlights the universal difficulty of writing and argues that it is no different from any other profession. Pullman asserts that writers should not expect sympathy for this difficulty as other professionals like plumbers and doctors do not have a specific term to describe their work-related challenges. By making this comparison, he demystifies the notion of writer's block and emphasizes that writing, like any other job, requires perseverance and effort.