Quote by Emily Dickinson, I dwell in poss

I dwell in PossibilityA fairer House than ProseMore numerous of WindowsSuperior--for DoorsOf Chambers as the CedarsImpregnable of EyeAnd for an Everlasting RoofThe Gambrels of the SkyOf Visitors--the fairestFor Occupation--ThisThe spreading wide my narrow HandsTo gather Paradise

I dwell in PossibilityA fairer House than ProseMore numerous


This quote, taken from Emily Dickinson's poem "I dwell in Possibility," highlights the idea that imagination and creativity provide a far richer and more limitless experience than prose or everyday reality. The metaphor of dwelling in Possibility symbolizes the freedom and potential of the human mind, as it offers a house with numerous windows, symbolizing different perspectives, and superior doors, implying greater opportunities. The mention of chambers as impenetrable to the eye and a roof made of the sky's gambrels indicate the grandeur and infinite nature of this imaginative realm. Finally, the poem conveys the joy and fulfillment that arises from embracing this immersive paradise of creativity and endless possibilities.

By Emily Dickinson, I dwell in poss
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