Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Doctor Who.
Because she deserved more than me. She deserved someone who could give her the whole universe.
Jacqueline Rayner
I think, that if the world were a bit more like ComicCon, it would be a better place.
Matt Smith
Rose wasn't 'ordinary'. What was I supposed to do? Wrap her in cotton wool? Tell her 'Here, I could give you the universe, but I'm not going to in case you get hurt? There's all this stuff out there, all these planets, all these wonders, but I want you to stay at home and work in a shop?
The universe is big, its vast and complicated, and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. And that's the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do me.
Steven Moffat
Biting's excellent. It's like kissing - only there is a winner.
Neil Gaiman
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
The Doctor: Sorry, do you have a name?Idris: Seven hundred years and finally he asks. The Doctor: But what do I call you?Idris: I think you call me... Sexy? The Doctor: [embarrassed] Only when we're alone. Idris: We are alone. The Doctor: Oh. Come on then, Sexy.
The only water in the forest is the River.