Quote by Max Weber, Politics as a Vocatio
I am under the impression that in nine out of ten cases I deal with windbags who do not fully realize what they take upon themselves, but who intoxicate themselves with romantic sensations. From a human point of view this is not very interesting to me, nor does it move me profoundly. However, it is immensely moving when a mature man

recognizes the reality behind grandiose ideals and possesses the humility to acknowledge the limitations of his own knowledge and abilities. There is a stark contrast between those who boast and indulge in fanciful notions without fully comprehending the consequences, and those who possess wisdom and self-awareness. The former may be oblivious to the true depths of their convictions, whereas the latter embraces the humbling revelation of their own limitations. This realization holds immense power and is truly inspiring as it reflects a growth in maturity and understanding.