Quote by Lan Fang
Mereka bagaikan mata-mata pena yang menari di atas lemabaran kertas yang sama, lembaran kertas hitam. Dan hanya keberuntungan yang bisa membuat kertas itu menjadi abu-abu, karena tidak mungkin membuatnya menjadi putih bersih. Jejak hitam itu tetap ada di jalan hidup mereka. Bagi anak-anak seperti mereka, hidup benar-benar seperti mata dadu di meja judi.

This quote describes individuals who are like spy pens dancing on the same black paper, unable to erase the black ink and turn the paper white again. It suggests that their lives are marked by a permanent darkness. For these children, life is compared to a dice on a gambling table, implying that they have very limited control over their circumstances and must rely on luck for any chance of change. Overall, the quote portrays a sense of hopelessness and the unpredictable nature of their lives.
By Lan Fang