Quote by Helen Steiner Rice, A MOTHER'S L
A Mother's love is something that no on can explain,It is made of deep devotionand of sacrifice and pain,It is endless and unselfishand enduring come what mayFor nothing can destroy itor take that love away . . .It is patient and forgivingwhen all others are forsaking,And it never fails or falterseven though the heart is breaking . . .It believes beyond believingwhen the world around condemns,And it glows with all the beautyof the rarest, brightest gems . . .It is far beyond defining,it defies all explanation,And it still remains a secretlike the mysteries of creation . . .A many splendoured miracleman cannot understandAnd another wondrous evidenceof God's tender guiding hand.

This quote describes the indescribable love of a mother. It highlights the qualities of a mother's love as being deep, devoted, sacrificing, and enduring. The love of a mother is portrayed as resilient, patient, forgiving, and unwavering even in the face of heartbreak and abandonment. It is a love that surpasses understanding, defying explanation and remaining a mysterious miracle. This quote suggests that a mother's love is a divine creation, a beautiful evidence of God's guiding hand.