Quote by Jodi Picoult
When you have been with your partner for so many years, they become the glove compartment map that you've worn dog-eared and white-creased, the trail you recogonize so well you could draw it by heart and for this very reason keep it with you on journeys at all times. And yet, when you least expect it, one day you open your eyes and there is an unfamiliar turnoff, a vantage point taht wasn't there before, and you have to stop and wonder if maybe this landmark isn't new at all, but rather something you have missed all along.

This quote describes the familiar and comfortable nature of a long-term relationship. Over time, the partner becomes like a well-worn map, known and understood, navigated effortlessly. However, it also highlights the paradox that, within this familiarity, there can still be unexpected discoveries. It suggests that even in seemingly predictable relationships, there may be unexplored aspects or new perspectives that you have previously overlooked. It reminds us to keep our eyes open to the possibility of discovering something new and exciting, even in the most familiar of relationships.
By Jodi Picoult