Quote by Will Barnes
Through the reciprocation of energy, always, and every time, we will get exactly what we put out there to others. Like Karma, whatever we do will indefinitely come back to us in some way shape or form.When goodness is given, it is likely to returned.When you support someone, you will be supported.When you Love, you will be Loved.If you give someone your last dollar, someone will help you equally.This is the law of the universe. What selfless characteristics do you portray to benefit your reality? Expand.

This quote underscores the concept of the reciprocity of energy and its impact on our lives. It suggests that whatever energy or actions we project onto others will eventually be reciprocated and reflected back to us. This notion resonates with the idea of Karma, indicating that our deeds and intentions will inevitably shape our own experiences. By displaying selfless characteristics, such as kindness, support, and love, we not only benefit others but also create a positive ripple effect in our own reality, as these acts of goodwill are likely to be returned to us.
By Will Barnes