Quote by Steve Maraboli
September 11 I will never forget feeling scared and vulnerable I will never forget feeling the deep sad loss of so many lives I will never forget the smell of the smoke that reached across the water and delivered a deep feeling of doom into my gut I will never forget feeling the boosted sense of unity and pride I will never forget seeing the courageous actions of so many men and women I will never forget seeing people of all backgrounds working together in community I will never forget seeing what hate can destroy I will never forget seeing what love can heal

This quote reflects the individual's personal experience and memory of the September 11 terrorist attacks. It encapsulates the range of emotions felt, from fear and vulnerability to deep sadness at the loss of lives. The mention of the smell of smoke evokes a strong sensory memory. The quote also highlights the subsequent sense of unity, pride, and the courageous actions of the first responders. It emphasizes the power of love and community, as well as the destructive consequences of hate. Ultimately, this quote serves as a reminder of the enduring impact of the tragedy and the importance of embracing empathy and compassion in the face of adversity.