have and fifty percent what people think you have.
I dont believe in labels. I want to do the best I can, all the time. I want to be progressive without getting both feet off the ground at the same time. I want to be prudent without having my mind closed to anything that is new or different. I have often said that I was proud that I was a free man first and an American second, and a public servant third and a Democrat fourth, in that order, and I guess as a Democrat, if I had to takeplace a label on myself, I would want to be a progressive who is prudent.
Lyndon B. Johnson
This world we live in is but thickened light.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some people do polarizing the religion against science. I use both to solve a problem with two different kind of approach.
Toba Beta
A misanthrope I can understand - a womanthrope never
Oscar Wilde
Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint.
Pablo Picasso
Chaos is a friend of mine.
Bob Dylan
Many a false step was made by standing still.
Fortune Cookie
Not a tenth of us who are in business are doing as well as we could if we merely followed the principles that were known to our grandfathers.
William Feather
I cannot say much for this Monarch's Sense--Nor would I if I could, for he was a Lancastrian. I suppose you know all about the Wars between him and the Duke of York who was on the right side; if you do not, you had better read some other History, for I shall not be very difuse in this, meaning by it only to vent my spleen against, and show my Hatred to all those people whose parties or principles do not suit with mine, and not to give information.
Jane Austen
We easily pardon an offense we had part in.
We may be personally defeated, but our principles never!
William Lloyd Garrison
This great maxim of Philosophy he had gathered by the teaching of nature alone: That man was created to work, not to speculate, or feel, or dream.
Thomas Carlyle