Quote by Elbert Hubbard, Love, Life & Wor
The supreme prayer of my heart is not to be learned, rich, famous, powerful, or good, but simply to be radiant. I desire to radiate health, cheerfulness, calm courage, and good will. I wish to live without hate, whim, jealousy, envy, fear. I wish to be simple, honest, frank, natural, clean in mind and clean in body, unaffected - as ready to say I do not know, if it be so, and to meet all men on an absolute equality - to face any obstacle and meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid.I wish others to live their lives, too - up to their highest, fullest, and best. To that end I pray that I may never meddle, interfere, dictate, give advice that is not wanted, or assist when my services are not needed. If I can help people, I'll do it by giving them a chance to help themselves; and if I can uplift or inspire, let it be by example, inference, and suggestion, rather than by injunction and dictation. That is to say, I desire to be radiant - to radiate life.

This quote emphasizes the profound longing to embody qualities that go beyond external accomplishments. The speaker's heart's utmost desire is not to attain wealth, fame, power, or societal standards of "goodness," but rather to radiate positive qualities. They aim to emanate good health, cheerfulness, calm courage, and goodwill, while rejecting hate, jealousy, envy, and fear. The speaker seeks simplicity, honesty, authenticity, cleanliness of mind and body, and a genuine, unbiased attitude towards others. They aspire to face challenges with unwavering confidence and fearlessness, treating everyone equally. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting others by empowering them to help themselves and inspiring through their own actions rather than imposing their will upon others. In essence, the speaker desires to live a radiant life that illuminates and uplifts others.