Quote by Anon.
I think of you oftenand make no outward show,But what it means to lose you, no one will ever knowYou wished no one farewell, not even said good-bye,You were gone before I knew it,and only God knows why.You are not forgottennor will you ever be,As long as life and memories last, I will remember thee.To some you may be forgotten, to others a part of the past,But to me who loved you dearly, your memories will always last.Nothing can be more beautifulthan the memories I have of you.To me, you were someone special,God must have thought so too!If tears could build a staircase and memories a lane,I would walk all the way to Heaven,and bring you back again.

This quote expresses deep emotions of longing and grief for someone who has been lost. The speaker reflects on their thoughts of the person they cherish, acknowledging that their internal feelings may not be outwardly visible. They express the pain and frustration of not being able to say goodbye or understand why the person left. Despite the possibility of others forgetting this individual, for the speaker, their memories will forever hold on. The quote ends with a poignant metaphor, conveying the speaker's desire to reunite with their loved one and the enduring impact they had in their life.
By Anon.