Quote by John Milton, Paradise Lost
But wherefore thou alone? Wherefore with theeCame not all hell broke loose? Is pain to themLess pain, less to be fled, or thou than theyLess hardy to endure? Courageous chief,The first in flight from pain, hadst thou allegedTo thy deserted host this cause of flight,Thou surely hadst not come sole fugitive.

In this quote from John Milton's Paradise Lost, Satan questions why he is the only one who sought to rebel against God and ended up in Hell. He questions whether pain is less unbearable for the other fallen angels or if he lacks the endurance to withstand it. Satan criticizes himself for being the first to flee from pain, suggesting that if he had given this same reason to his fellow fallen angels, he would not be the sole outcast. It highlights the idea of courage and endurance in the face of suffering, and Satan's self-reflection on his choices.