Quote by J. (Joshua) Reuben Clark, Jr., T
...The wife, soon to be a mother, could hardly catch her breath in the heavy, choking dust, for even in the pure air she breathed hard from her burden. Each jolt of the wagon, for those ahead had made wagon ruts almost 'ex' deep, wrung from her clenched lips a half-groan that she did her best to keep from the anxious, solicitous husband plodding slowly along, guiding and goading the poor dumb cattle, themselves weary from the long trek. So through the long day of jolting and discomfort and sometimes pain, sometimes panting for breath, the mother, anxious only that the unborn babe should not be injured, rode, for she could not walk; and the children walked, for the load was too heavy and big for them to ride; and the father walked sturdily alongside and prayed....Then the morning came when from out that last wagon floated the cry of the newborn babe, and mother love made a shrine, and Father bowed in reverence before it. But the train must move on. So out into the dust and dirt the last wagon moved again, swaying and jolting, while Mother eased as best she could each pain-giving jolt so no harm might be done her, that she might be strong to feed the little one, bone of her bone, flesh of her flesh. Who will dare to say that angels did not cluster round and guard her and ease her rude bed, for she had given another choice spirit its mortal body that it might work out its God-given destiny?

This quote describes the arduous journey of a pregnant woman and her family as they travel in a wagon through rough terrain and harsh conditions. Despite the physical challenges, the mother perseveres, prioritizing the safety of her unborn child. The husband walks alongside, providing support and praying for their well-being. Eventually, the mother gives birth to a baby, and despite the ongoing journey, she cares for her newborn with utmost love and concern. The passage suggests that divine presence and protection surround the mother and her newborn, who has been given the opportunity to fulfill their purpose in life.