Quote by Cassandra Clare

It was Will who broke the silence. Very well. You have me alone in the corridor Yes, yes, said Tessa impatiently, and thousands of women all over England would pay handsomely for the privilege of such an opportunity. Can we put aside the display of your wit for a moment? This is important.

It was Will who broke the silence. Very well. You have me al


In this quote from "Clockwork Princess" by Cassandra Clare, the characters Will and Tessa engage in a conversation. Will tries to inject humor into the situation by acknowledging that Tessa has him alone in a corridor. However, Tessa is uninterested in Will's wit and asks him to be serious. The quote highlights the playful banter between the two characters, but also emphasizes Tessa's desire for a sincere and significant conversation.

By Cassandra Clare
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