Quote by Carla VanKoughnett
Witchcraft isn't about picking up a book, and asking forgiveness.. or learning about spirituality through the words of others. What you learn from those books are the opinions of other people, and not your own. If this is what you believe then you are not an individual. Witchcraft is about accepting that YOU are responsible for the choices that YOU have made, and YOU teaching YOURSELF to make the right choices. Its about learning through YOUR OWN opinions, YOUR OWN life lessons, YOUR OWN inner self, and by doing so.. BECOME an individual.

This quote emphasizes that witchcraft is not simply about reading books, seeking forgiveness, or relying on the spirituality of others. It argues that true witchcraft involves taking personal responsibility for one's choices and learning to make the right ones. It encourages individuals to rely on their own opinions, life lessons, and inner self, rather than relying on the opinions of others. Through this self-discovery and self-reliance, one can become an individual in the practice of witchcraft.