Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Popularity.
Judging from what looks like the popularity of this classic wrestling show is that the people like what they have grown to know and love here in Memphis.
Jerry Lawler
Popularity is the one insult I have never suffered.
Oscar Wilde
Do not yearn to be popular; be exquisite. Do not desire to be famous; be loved. Do not take pride in being expected; be palpable, unmistakable.
C. JoyBell C.
Everything popular is wrong.
What people want, mainly, is to be told by some plausible authority that what they are already doing is right. I don't know know of a quicker way to become unpopular than to disagree.
John Brunner
He wasn't a man of erudition, yet very quickly grasped the significance of this or that problem for the state at large and for his own popularity rating. As one far removed from the sciences, he had tremendous respect for the opinions of scientists.
Yevgeniy Chazov
The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.
Of prosperity mortals can never have enough.
Everybody's private motto: It's better to be popular than right
Mark Twain
But there was another class of people, the real people. To this class they all belonged, and in it the great thing was to be elegant, generous, plucky, gay, to abandon oneself without a blush to every passion, and to laugh at everything else.
Leo Tolstoy
Because it's kind of great, being an idea that everybody likes. But I could never be the idea to myself, not all the way. And Agloe is a place where a paper creation became real. A dot on the map became a real place, more real than the people who created the dot could never have imagined. I thought maybe the paper cutout of a girl could start becoming real here also. And it seemed like a way to tell that paper girl who cared about popularity and clothes and everything else: 'You are going to the paper towns. And you are never coming back.
John Green
Win the crowd and you will win your freedom.