Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Sight.
You collect art: you must know that the miniature artists, at the end of careers spent painting the tiniest, most exacting details that no one would ever look at, would often put their eyes out with needles. Too much beauty, yes, but also too much seeing. They were tired of seeing. The dark was safe and warm and comfortable. Blindness was a gift. I still have seeing to do.
Ian McDonald
Sight is one of the most easily deceived senses. I could make a coin disappear and your eyes would believe it gone, even if it were merely up my sleeve.
Megan Chance
How can you fall in love at first sight when you can't even see?
Melinda Cross
Stars and shadows ain't good to see by.
Mark Twain
Poets are damned but see with the eyes of angels.
Allen Ginsberg
For this will cure him that is sick, and rouse him that is in dumps; one that has loved, it will remember of it; one that has not, it will instruct. For there was never any yet that wholly could escape love, and never shall there be any, never so long as beauty shall be, never so long as eyes can see. But help me that God to write the passions of others; and while I write, keep me in my own right wits.
In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.
Michael Apostolius
There's none so blind as they that won't see.
Jonathan Swift
O loss of sight, of thee I most complain! Blind among enemies, O worse than chains, dungeon or beggary, or decrepit age! Light, the prime work of God, to me is extinct, and all her various objects of delight annulled, which might in part my grief have eased. Inferior to the vilest now become of man or worm; the vilest here excel me, they creep, yet see; I, dark in light, exposed to daily fraud, contempt, abuse and wrong, within doors, or without, still as a fool, in power of others, never in my own; scarce half I seem to live, dead more than half.
John Milton
To be blind is not miserable; not to be able to bear blindness, that is miserable.
Blindness hatred is blind, as well as love.
Thomas Fuller
The ear tends to be lazy, craves the familiar, and is shocked by the unexpected; the eye, on the other hand, tends to be impatient, craves the novel and is bored by repetition.
W. H. Auden, The Dyer's Hand, 19
Though most of us don't hunt, our eyes are still the great monopolists of our senses. To taste or touch your enemy or your food, you have to be unnervingly close to it. To smell or hear it, you can risk being further off. But vision can rush through the fields and up the mountains, travel across time, country, and parsecs of outer space, and collect bushel baskets of information as it goes. Animals that hear high frequencies better than we do
Diane Ackerman, A Natural Histor
Sometimes, I feel I am really blessed to be blind because I probably would not last a minute if I were able to see things.
Stevie Wonder
When you notice something clearly and see it vividly, it then becomes sacred.
A lot of journalists like to suck up to celebrities, and then as soon as they're a safe distance away at their computers, they take shots. But that's the way society has become, especially in pop culture.
Scott Weiland
There is a condition worse than blindness, and that is, seeing something that isn't there.
L. Ron Hubbard
Hundreds of hysterical persons must confuse these phenomena with messages from the beyond and take their glory to the bishop rather than the eye doctor.
James Thurber, On retinal images
What a blind person needs is not a teacher but another self.
Helen Keller
My darkness has been filled with the light of intelligence, and behold, the outer day-lit world was stumbling and groping in social blindness.