Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Unknown.
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
H. P. Lovecraft
I have come to believe that this is a mighty continent which was hitherto unknown.
Christopher Columbus
The challenge of the unknown future is so much more exciting than the stories of the accomplished past.
Simon Sinek
At the fruit of existence, there is a single concept of anonymity. This unknown concept is well known however. All one has to do is simply look behind the mirror for the answer. Yet, the answer won't come until the right question is asked. Because the illusions of reality are dressed in endless reflections, the blind will continue to be guided by the blind. The unknown concept is recognized to those who have tasted the fruit of existence, and as distant as the woman trying to grab Heaven from the reflection of an empty pond.
Lionel Suggs
Just like science, there must be other kinds of sensations which haven't yet been feltby the human heart at all.
Toba Beta
It is the unknown that we fear when we look into death and darkness, nothing more.-Albus Dumbledore
J.K. Rowling
That illusion of a world so shaped that it echoes every groan, of human beings so tied together by common needs and fears that a twitch at one wrist jerks another, where however strange your experience other people have had it too, where however far you travel in your own mind someone has been there before you - - is all an illusion. We do not know our own souls, let alone the souls of others. Human beings do not go hand in hand the whole stretch of the way. There is a virgin forest in each; a snowfield where even the print of birds' feet is unknown. Here we go alone, and like it better so. Always to have sympathy, always to be accompanied, always to be understood would be intolerable.
Virginia Woolf