Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Cassandra Clare.
He taught me there's a place on a man's back where, if you sink a blade in, you can pierce his heart and sever his spine, all at once,' Sebastian had said. 'I guess we got the same birthday present that year, big brother,' Jace thought. 'Didn't we?
Cassandra Clare
He's not warlock.
Come in. And try not to murder any of my guests.
If you're texting Magnus to say 'I think u r kewl' I'm going to kill you
It means, said Brother Jeremiah, The descent into Hell is easy.
No one can say that death found in me a willing comrade, or that I went easily.
She hated that little voice inside her head. Like the Seelie Queen, it planted doubts where there shouldn't be doubts, asked questions that had no answer.
You have something on your neck. What Looks like a bite mark, what were you doing out all night, anyway? Nothing. I went walking in the park. Tried to clear my head. And ran into a vampire What? No! I fell. On your neck?
She could ask for anything, she thought dizzily, anything--an end to pain or world hunger or disease, or for peace on earth. But then again, perhaps these things weren't in the power of angels to grant, or they would already have been granted. And perhaps people were supposed to find these things for themselves.
Clary: What are you doing here, anyway?Jace: 'Here' as in your bedroom or 'here' as in the great spiritual question of our purpose here on this planet? If you're asking whether it's all just a cosmic coincidence or there's a greater metaethical purpose to life, well, that's a puzzler for the ages. I mean, simple ontological reductionism is clearly a fallacious argument, but-Clary: I'm going to bed.
You serve a greater cause. Your life is not yours to throw away (Magnus Bane)
But I will never have a bride.
Enormous? Did you just call me FAT? I am not fat. - Jace
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
If there were such a thing as terminal literalism, you'd have died in childhood.
The Law is hard, but it is the Law.
Fate is never fair. You are caught in a current much stronger than you are; struggle against it and you'll drown not just yourself but those who try to save you. Swim with it. and you'll survive
Hate is nothing when weighed against survival. (Valentine)
Church was doing what he often did when dropped - lying on his back with all four legs in the air, pretending to be dead in order to induce guilt in his owners.
As long as I can dream, I will dream of you.