Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Deception/lying.
Words that are saturated with lies or atrocity, do not easily resume life.
George Steiner
It is twice the pleasure to deceive the deceiver.
Jean de La Fontaine
A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths.
Marina Ivanova Tsvetaeva
Lies are sufficient to breed opinion, and opinion brings on substance.
Francis Bacon
I detest the man who hides one thing in the depth of his heart and speaks forth another.
Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another.
Subtlety may deceive you; integrity never will.
Oliver Cromwell
Of course I lie to people. But I lie altruistically -- for our mutual good. The lie is the basic building block of good manners. That may seem mildly shocking to a moralist -- but then what isn t?
Quentin Crisp
Unlike grown ups, children have little need to deceive themselves.
Johann von Goethe
We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.
The crafty person is always in danger; and when they think they walk in the dark, all their pretenses are transparent.
John Tillotson
The art of using deceit and cunning grow continually weaker and less effective to the user.
When lying, be emphatic and indignant, thus behaving like your children.
William Feather
In human relationships, kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths.
Graham Greene
He entered the territory of lies without a passport for return.
One can be absolutely truthful and sincere even though admittedly the most outrageous liar. Fiction and invention are of the very fabric of life.
Henry Miller