Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Faith.
If there was no faith there would be no living in this world. We could not even eat hash with any safety.
Josh Billings
The origin of the absurd idea of immortal life is easy to discover it is kept alive by hope and fear, by childish faith, and by cowardice.
Clarence Darrow
I rather live as if God exists to find out that He doesn't than live as if he doesn't exist to find out He does.
Blaise Pascal
Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Persecution is precious because it reveal whether a person lives with real faith.
Leo Tolstoy
I believe though I do not comprehend, and I hold by faith what I cannot grasp with the mind.
St. Bernard
Faith is not a thing which one loses, we merely cease to shape our lives by it.
Georges Bernanos
Fight vigorously against the wolves, but on behalf of the sheep, not against the sheep. And this you may do by inveighing against the laws and lawgivers, and yet at the same time observing these laws with the weak, lest they be offended, until they shall themselves recognize the tyranny, and understand their own liberty.
But I could tell thee of other things, , and do not doubt what thou simply cannot see nor cannot hear. Thou canst not hear what a dog hears. Nor canst thou smell what a dog smells. But already thou hast experienced a little of what can happen to man.
Ernest Hemingway
Commonly men will only be brave as their fathers were brave, or timid.
Henry David Thoreau
Human societies, like human beings, live by faith and die when faith dies.
Whittaker Chambers
I know there is a God--and I see a storm coming; if He has a place for me, I believe that I am ready.(Words found written on a slip of paper by Evelyn Lincoln, Kennedy's secretary, following a disappointing meeting with Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev in Vienn in June 1961)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
What the F.D.I.C. does is to put the full faith and credit of the United States government behind every savings account in the nation, up to a limit that has changed over the years and stands now at $100,000.
Nick Clooney
The process of philosophic and scientific enlightenment has shaken the stability of beliefs held explicitly as articles of faith.
Michael Polanyi
I'm a scientist, not a theologian. I don't know if there is a God or not. Religion requires certainty. Revere and respect Gaia. Have trust in Gaia. But not faith.
James Lovelock
It's a new day for the Democrats when it comes to matters of faith, and the younger Evangelicals are aware of this and many of them are moving into the Democratic camp.
Tony Campolo
For me, the peculiar qualities of faith are a logical outcome of this level of biological organization.
E. O. Wilson
The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearth-stone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.--as quoted in THE RIVER OF WINGED DREAMS
Abraham Lincoln
The errors of faith are better than the best thoughts of unbelief.
Thomas Russell
So when the only domestic social policy is tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthiest Americans, we say, 'Where is faith being put into action here?'
Jim Wallis