Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Friends.
Short judgments make long friends.
I am speaking now of the highest duty we owe our friends, the noblest, the most sacred --that of keeping their own nobleness, goodness, pure and incorrupt. If we let our friend become cold and selfish and exacting without a remonstrance, we are no true lover, no true friend.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.
We have been friends together,In sunshine and in shade;Since first beneath the chestnut-treesIn infancy we played.But coldness dwells within thy heart,A cloud is on thy brow;We have been friends together
Caroline Norton, We Have Been Fr
With true friends... even water drunk together is sweet enough.
Chinese Proverb
If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love friends for their sake rather than for our own.
Charlotte Bronte
True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.
David Tyson Gentry
I have three kinds of friends: those who love me, those who pay no attention to me, and those who detest me.
Sebastian Roch Nicolas Chamfort
Friends are often chosen for similitude of manners, and therefore each palliate the other's failings because they are his own.
Samuel Johnson
Friendship should be more than biting time can sever.
TS (Thomas Stearns) Eliot
Friends come and go but enemies accumulate.
Arthur Bloch
He who has not the weakness of friendship has not the strength.
Joseph Joubert
I can't forgive my friends for dying; I don't find these vanishing acts of theirs at all amusing.
Logan Pearsall Smith
The nearest I can make it out, Love your Enemies means, Hate your Friends
Benjamin Franklin
When we think of friends, and call their faces out of the shadows, and their voices out of the echoes that faint along the corridors of memory, and do it without knowing why save that we love to do it, we content ourselves that that friendship is a Reality, and not a Fancy--that it is builded upon a rock, and not upon the sands that dissolve away with the ebbing tides and carry their monuments with them.
Mark Twain
My true friends have always given me that supreme proof of devotion, a spontaneous aversion for the man I loved.
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
And what a delight it is to make friends with someone you have despised.
But just as delicate fare does not stop you from craving for saveloys, so tried and exquisite friendship does not take away your taste for something new and dubious.
Be not the fourth friend of him who had three before and lost them.
Johann Kaspar Lavater
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.
C.S. Lewis