Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Personal Development.
The circumstance of the mind is equivalent to the circumstance of your reality and a pure sign of the justification of the universe. Positive energy equals a positive well being and the manifestation of positive things thereof.Do you have the wherewithal to be positive? Do you hold the key to your destiny or the barrier to your dismay? Insightful are those with an open ear and an open heart to these principles. Are you on the right track? Whether you say yes or no to this question, your reality is a direct reflection.
Will Barnes
Be who you are regardless of where you are
Lolly Daskal
Sometimes in life we take a leap of faith. Remember, the leap is not about getting from one side to the other. It's simply about taking the leap....and trusting the air, the universal breath, will support your wings so that you may soar.
Kristi Bowman
Who we are in the present includes who we were in the past.
Fred Rogers
When things feel murky and unsure, fine tuning our hearing so as to distinguish the voice of our Innermost Self brings clarity.
When your heart burns with passion, and your faith is at it's peak, it is then when you have your life by the horns, and now when the preconceived desires in your dreams materialize. Believe beyond your minds eye and see the light, the energy that will fill your half full cup to the brim, and overflow with joyous life experiences. Think it, see it, and live it. Expand....
Good, capable individuals unconsciously and consciously guard and nurture themselves and their spirits every day in all sorts of choices, large and small. Just as their lives are never static, they are rarely if ever fractured. Their morals and ethics are never cut off from the whole of their evolving beings.
Donald Van de Mark
Through the reciprocation of energy, always, and every time, we will get exactly what we put out there to others. Like Karma, whatever we do will indefinitely come back to us in some way shape or form.When goodness is given, it is likely to returned.When you support someone, you will be supported.When you Love, you will be Loved.If you give someone your last dollar, someone will help you equally.This is the law of the universe. What selfless characteristics do you portray to benefit your reality? Expand.
To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your: heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem.
Maurice Young
In the voyage of your worldly existence, the sails at which your life float upon, are tethered by the thoughts and emotions that which you harbor. Expand.
Centered, open, and diverse, the universes correspondence to your hopes and dreams is the deliverance of your foremost thoughts and actions. Energetically you can create and destroy your immediate set of circumstances under the same laws. Posed as friends and foes, you will have obstacles, ones in which you must go through, over, under and aside sometimes to overcome. These are the stepping stones to your future reality. Overcome that which has weakened your state of mind and conquer the thoughts and actions that you have let lead your life.
Your inner strength is your outer foundation
Allan Rufus
Live with Fulfillment, Serve with Passion so in this Lifetime you will have the ablility to Die with NO Regrets.
Randy Gonzales