Jose Bergamin Quotes

A collection of quotes by Jose Bergamin.

José Bergamín (1895-1983) was a Spanish writer, essayist, and philosopher, best known for his contributions to Spanish literature during the 20th century. Born in Madrid, Spain, Bergamín grew up in a cultured and intellectual environment, which influenced his artistic development.

He started his literary career as a poet, gaining recognition for his works that explored themes of love, exile, politics, and the human condition. His poetry, characterized by its concise and intense language, became highly regarded among the literary circles of his time. Bergamín also wrote essays on various topics, including literature, philosophy, and art criticism, showcasing his wide-ranging intellect.

Throughout his life, Bergamín was politically engaged. He initially aligned himself with the Generation of '27, a group of avant-garde Spanish poets, and was a staunch supporter of the Second Spanish Republic. During the Spanish Civil War, he sided with the Republicans and actively participated in anti-Franco activities. His political involvement led to his exile in France after Francisco Franco established his dictatorship.

Despite his absence from Spain during Franco's regime, Bergamín continued to write and publish, becoming a leading figure in Spanish exile literature. He developed a unique literary style that blended traditional Spanish literary forms with modernist experimentation, captivating readers with his depth of thought and linguistic innovation.

After Franco's death and the return of democracy in Spain, Bergamín played an active role in cultural and political life, receiving numerous literary awards and honorific titles. He remained an influential figure until his death in 1983, leaving an enduring legacy as one of the most important voices in Spanish literature of the 20th century.