Quote by Jennifer E. Smith

Beside her, she can feel each breath he draws. How is it possible to be so close to a person and still not know what you are to each other? With baseball, it's simple. There's no mystery to what happens on the field because everything has a label -- full count, earned run, perfect game -- and there's a certain amount of comfort in this terminology. There's no room for confusion and Ryan wishes now that everything could be so straightforward. But then Nick pulls her closer, and she rests her head on his chest, and nothing seems more important that this right here.

Beside her, she can feel each breath he draws. How is it pos


This quote explores the paradoxical nature of relationships and the desire for clarity amidst uncertainty. The speaker contemplates how it is possible to be physically close to someone yet still be unsure about the nature of their relationship. Drawing a parallel with baseball, where everything has a clear label and terminology, the speaker wishes for a similar straightforwardness in personal relationships. However, in the moment of intimacy, the speaker realizes that the simplicity they seek pales in comparison to the profound connection they feel with their partner, where everything else becomes unimportant.

By Jennifer E. Smith
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