Quote by Stephen King
Sometimes she'd go a whole day without thinking of him or missing him. Why not? She had quite a full life, and really, he'd often been hard to deal with and hard to live with. A project, the Yankee oldtimers like her very own Dad might have said. And then sometimes a day would come, a gray one (or a sunny one) when she missed him so fiercely she felt empty, not a woman at all anymore but just a dead tree filled with cold November blow. She felt like that now, felt like hollering his name and hollering him home, and her heart turned sick with the thought of the years ahead and she wondered what good love was if it came to this, to even ten seconds of feeling like this.

This quote explores the unpredictable nature of emotions and the complexity of human relationships. The protagonist, on some days, remains unaffected by the absence of someone in her life who used to be challenging to be around. She acknowledges that her life is fulfilling without him. However, there are moments when the longing becomes so intense that she feels completely empty and desires his presence. These conflicting emotions lead her to question the purpose of love if it can bring about such intense pain. The quote delves into the deep vulnerability and the complexity of missing someone.
By Stephen King