Quote by Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man Und

It will be a marvellous thing - the true personality of man - when we see it. It will grow naturally and simply, flower-like, or as a tree grows. It will not be at discord. It will never argue or dispute. It will not prove things. It will know everything. And yet it will not busy itself about knowledge. It will have wisdom. Its value will not be measured by material things. It will have nothing. And yet it will have everything, and whatever one takes from it, it will still have, so rich will it be. It will not be always meddling with others, or asking them to be like itself. It will love them because they will be different. And yet, while it will not meddle with others, it will help all, as a beautiful thing helps us by being what it is. The personality of man will be very wonderful. It will be as wonderful as the personality of a child.In its development it will be assisted by Christianity, if men desire that; but if men do not desire that, it will develop none the less surely. For it will not worry itself about the past, nor care whether things happened or did not happen. Nor will it admit any laws but its own laws; nor any authority but its own authority. Yet it will love those who sought to intensify it, and speak often of them. And of these Christ was one.Know Thyself was written over the portal of the antique world. Over the portal of the new world, Be Thyself shall be written. And the message of Christ to man was simply Be Thyself. That is the secret of Christ.

It will be a marvellous thing - the true personality of man


This quote suggests that the true essence of humanity, when fully realized, will be extraordinary. It highlights that this true personality will grow naturally and harmoniously, free from conflict and the need to prove or accumulate material possessions. It will embody wisdom and possess an inherent value that cannot be measured by worldly standards. This genuine personality will not seek to change or impose itself on others but will embrace and love their uniqueness. Christianity may aid in its development, but ultimately, it will forge its own path, rejecting external authority and defining its own principles. The quote emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and self-expression, encapsulating the essence of Christ's message to humanity.

By Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man Und
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