Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Adoration.
To a man, sex is the ultimate expression of love. It is pure pleasure. But to a woman there exists something greater than pleasure - gestures of adoration. A gentle caress on the cheek, an attentive smile, a soft kiss while swept away in a slow dance, the whispered words, - these are the tokens of love that women cherish.
Richelle E. Goodrich
When a man finds the woman he really loves, the one he respects and wants to call wife, there is nothing on earth he won't do for her. No mountain he won't hike. No river he won't wade. No door he won't open. She is Eve and there's not a snake crawling that can keep them apart.
Yolanda Joe
She walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies;And all that's best of dark and brightMeet in her aspect and her eyes...
George Gordon Byron
He was golden and beautiful as a sunset.
Anita Diamant
...loveliness is the Milky Way... but also all the myriad points of radiance streaming from your beauty...
John Geddes
...I've discovered why you fascinate - you keep the mystery and as Carlyle noted, Wonder is the basis of worship...
Prove that you love me through a lingering gaze, and never losing that twinkle of adoration in your eyes.
You are the one star I wish upon nightly; praying your glory will fall from the heavens and land in my undeserving arms.?
...I remember your profile in darkness outlined by stars ...
My heart only ever had one thought, one want. One need. Despite all, in spite of all...All my heart has ever wanted is you.
Stephanie Laurens
So much of the language of love was like that: you devoured someone with your eyes, you drank in the sight of him, you swallowed him whole. Love was substance, broken down and beating through your bloodstream.
Jodi Picoult
Do you know what it's like to love someone so much, that you can't see yourself without picturing her? Or what it's like to touch someone, and feel like you've come home? What we had wasn't about sex, or about being with someone just to show off what you've got, the way it was for other kids our age. We were, well, meant to be together. Some people spend their whole lives looking for that one person. I was lucky enough to have her all along.
How could he convey to someone who'd never even met her the way she always smelled like rain, or how his stomach knotted up every time he saw her shake loose her hair from its braid? How could he describe how it felt when she finished his sentences, turnec the mug they were sharing so that her mouth landed where his had been? How did he explain the way they could be in a locker room, or underwater, or in the piney woods of Maine, bus as long as Em was with him, he was at home?
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
Brian Kernighan
I am sick of women who love one. Women who hate one are much more interesting.
Oscar Wilde
Looking at him now-even if she hadn't been in love with him, that part of her that was her mother's daugher, that loved every beautiful thing for its beauty alone, would still have wanted him.
Cassandra Clare