Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Deathanddying.
You die as you've lived. If you were paranoid in life, you'll probably be paranoid when you're dying.
Dr. James Cimino
...the true disciple of philosophy is likely to be misunderstood by other men; they do not perceive that he is ever pursuing death and dying; and if this is true, why, having had the desire of death all his life long, should he repine at that which he has always been pursuing and desiring?
You can lose people without them dying, and I have, from moving, from traveling. The emotion is real, it just doesn't actually have to do with death. I'm singing about what I know, and it's a song about longing for somebody who's disappeared in your life.
Jon Crosby
When life demands more of people than they demand of life - as is ordinarily the case - what results is a resentment of life almost as deep-seated as the fear of death
Tom Robbins
Life without the courage for death is slavery
He that dies pays all debts
William Shakespeare
He lives in fame that died in virtue's cause.
Death cancels everything but truth
she felt this thing that she called life terrible, hostile, and quick to pounce on you if you gave it a chance. There were the eternal problems: suffering; death; the poor. There was always a woman dying of cancer even here. And yet she had said to all these children, You shall go through with it.
Virginia Woolf
And now I depart hence condemned by you to suffer the penalty of death, and they, too, go their ways condemned by the truth to suffer the penalty of villainy and wrong; and I must abide by my award - let them abide by theirs.
The certain prospect of death could sweeten every life with a precious and fragrant drop of levity - and now you strange apothecary souls have turned it into an ill-tasting drop of poison that makes the whole of life repulsive
Friedrich Nietzsche
This fell sergeant, death, is strict in his arrest
I flatly declare that a man fed on whisky and dead bodies cannot do the finest work of which he is capable
George Bernard Shaw
A rotten case abides no handling
I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill.
Mahatma Gandhi
Human nature is so well disposed towards those who are in interesting situations, that a young person, who either marries or dies, is sure of being kindly spoken of.
Jane Austen
Just death, kind umpire of men's miseries
The years seem to rush by now, and I think of death as a fast approaching end of a journey - double and treble the reason for loving as well as working while it is day
George Eliot
Amy: This time can we... lose the bunk beds? The Doctor: No Bunk beds are cool, a bed with a ladder, you can't beat that!
Neil Gaiman
Let us endeavor to live so that when we die even the undertaker will be sorry
Mark Twain