Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Legacy.
Monuments are the grappling-irons that bind one generation to another.
Joseph Joubert
We were meant to give our lives away. Spend more time living your legacy instead of worrying about leaving it.
Lee J. Colan
When science, art, literature, and philosophy are simply the manifestation of personality they are on a level where glorious and dazzling achievements are possible, which can make a man's name live for thousands of years. But above this level, far above, separated by an abyss, is the level where the highest things are achieved. These things are essentially anonymous.
Simone Weil, La Table Ronde Huma
Just as there is nothing between the admirable omelet and the intolerable, so with autobiography.
Hilaire Belloc
Biography is one of the new terrors of death.
John Arbuthnot
Members rise from CMG (known sometimes in Whitehall as Call Me God) to KCMG (Kindly Call Me God) to GCMG (God Calls Me God).
Anthony Sampson
Every man
P. T. (Phineas Taylor) Barnum
Every autobiography is concerned with two characters, a Don Quixote, the Ego, and a Sancho Panza, the Self.
W. H. Auden
Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.
There are obviously legal restrictions on what you can do on TV in the States, as there are everywhere.
Dave Rowntree
Biography should be written by an acute enemy.
Arthur Balfour
Only when one has lost all curiosity about the future has one reached the age to write an autobiography.
Evelyn Waugh
Don't give your opinions about Art and the Purpose of Life. They are of little interest and, anyway, you can't express them. Don't analyze yourself. Give the relevant facts and let your readers make their own judgments. Stick to your story. It is not the most important subject in history but it is one about which you are uniquely qualified to speak.
For what is a poem, but a hazardous attempt at self-understanding. It is the deepest part of autobiography.
Robert Penn Warren
Reminiscences, even extensive ones, do not always amount to an autobiography. For autobiography has to do with time, with sequence and what makes up the continuous flow of life. Here, I am talking of a space, of moments and discontinuities. For even if months and years appear here, it is in the form they have in the moment of recollection. This strange form -- it may be called fleeting or eternal -- is in neither case the stuff that life is made of.
Walter Benjamin
If I have done any deed worthy of remembrance, that deed will be my monument. If not, no monument can preserve my memory.
Agesilaus II
The only thing you take with you when you're gone is what you leave behind.
John Allston
On the trail of another man, the biographer must put up with finding himself at every turn; any biography uneasily shelters an autobiography within it.
Paul Murray Kendall
An autobiography is a preemptive strike against biographers.
Barbara G. Harris
The planting of a tree, especially one of the long-living hardwood trees, is a gift which you can make to posterity at almost no cost and with almost no trouble, and if the tree takes root it will far outlive the visible effect of any of your other actions, good or evil.
George Orwell